Monday, August 18, 2014

ICI Project 2- The Building Team

This project was divided into 3 parts. For part I,  we were given a task to interview the key people in construction industry. In a group of 5, we were required to select a firm of the given type of business and research on the films. For part II, we were asked to interpret the information gathered from part I to produce a short video of creative visual presentation or any physical performance. Part III was an individual task where we were required to make a 6 pages magazine to demonstrate our understanding of the chosen elements in part I. The people that we could choose to interview are listed as below:

Interior Designer
Structural Engineer
Project Manager
Quantity Surveyor
M&E Engineer
Landscape Architect

  • The progress
We had formed a group of 5 with the same members as project one, including Yvonne, Iryana, Jessie, Zhen Li, Jolyn and me. A short discussion among us in class made us decided on interviewing a landscape architect. Yvonne, as our leader requested for an interview session with a film named Seksan Design. Click here to visit their site. It was a smooth progress.
Let's start our journey from Taylor's University.
First time being so formal in our wearing.

Here we finally reached! I slowly opened the door...

And the place truly amazed us. Most of the decorations were related to nature.

Say hello before our interview

Our interview with Ong Pay Chee, a landscape architect.

And here is our group photo before saying goodbye to Seksan Design.

  • Final work
Our video

My magazine

Through this project, I had expanded my knowledge on construction industry especially the landscape architect. All members in the building team play their role in contributing to the construction industry and they help balancing the natural and built environment. I learned to appreciate and value their profession as well as their professional responsibilities towards our environments.
TGC logo Meeting the requirement of the brief is the utmost vital part in completing this project. I learned to put the requirements and information obtained into every parts of this project. In simple terms, I am now able to put theories into practices.
TGC logo Communication between all group members resulted in smooth progress of this project. I am glad to have group members with so much positive thoughts and values. I can easily communicate with them to know each other's opinions. I learned more things from them.
TGC logo Thinking skill is another thing I learned especially for the video part. It involved creativity where we need to think more. Other than that, this skill was applied when we thought of the questions we wanted to ask during our interview.

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