Saturday, January 3, 2015

Doi Suthep Visit

On the 21th December, I paid a visit to the well known Buddhist temple in Chiangmai, Thailand- Wat Phra That Doi Suthep. Built as a Buddhist monastery in 1383, architecture, statues and ornamentation seen there were nothing short of breathtaking.

Check out the photos!

Doi Suthep was visited by crowds of tourists and Buddhist prayers everyday.

The arch entrance of  the big main shrine

On reaching the top, visitors are greeted with the sight of the golden spire which decorate the mountain top of the temple. The walls around it form a mini enclave and are richly decorated with historical murals and shrines.

Visitors prayed, holding lotus flowers which were tied on a stick while walking in a big circle, surrounded the huge golden spire

The Budda statues

Another shrine spotted

Bells in a line

There is an open space provided for visitors to experience the scenic view from the mountain

Another shrine, another good surprise

Here is another one

These are the donation box for the temple and monks

Even the ceilings are well decorated

Lanterns in Thailand are so much different from those found in other places

4 different kinds of bells and gongs

Elephant statues found

Experience the 300 steps of the intricately carved mythical Naga Serpent Staircase. For those who do not fancy climbing the stairs, lift is available for 30THB

Look at the stairs holder, its two mega-long dragon sculptures.

The dragon/ Naga head at the bottom of staircase

It was a great experience looking at all the details and structure of Doi Suthep temple. 

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