Thursday, February 12, 2015

CNC Project 3- Art + Architecture + Culture

Here comes the last project of CNC! Individually, we had to produce a simple coffee table book that describe about the culture, art and architecture of places we had chosen. First, we had to decide a specific theme from the 5 given themes. Then, select 5 places of interest to be focus on.

I have chosen religious architecture as my theme as I was about to pay a visit to Chiangmai, Thailand, a land built with many religious buildings after this project was briefed in class. I had visited some temples in Thailand and some other religious places in Malaysia to capture the best shots I could to put into my coffee table book.

Here are the links to my progress towards the final outcome.

It was fun as I get to learn more about art, architecture and culture by visiting and experiencing my places interest by myself. I had done some online and book research to explore on the photo books done by some great photographers from around the world.

Here is my coffee table book!

This is a short video montage to show some of my best photos in the coffee table book.

TGC capabilities learned:

TGC logo Discipline Specific Knowledge
Through this project, I had expand my knowledge in religious architecture and the history and culture behind it. I also gained my skills in applying information gathered into my projects.

TGC logo Lifelong Learning
Independently, I am now able to be confident in arranging, interpreting and analysing my photos taken during the site visit and information found from my research to produce an organised outcome- the coffee table book.

TGC logo Digital Literacy
I have develop skills in photo editing using Adobe Photoshop software although there are still very much to be improved. I really enjoyed in the process and I would spend my free time learning more about photography and editing as it would bring advantage for my future career in the field of design.

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