Weekly Journal 03

This week, I have categorized all the photos taken from the sites visit.
Here are all the photos taken.

Click in the link below to explore.

Specific theme chosen:
Architectural Surfaces Components and Details

The external covering on the top of a building, usually of wood shingles, slates, or tiles on pitched slopes, or a variety of built-up membranes for flat roofs.
- A terminus occurring at the end of a series of incidents, such as an ornamental figure or object situated at the end of something such as a finial.

The framework in which the door hangs or the entrance to a building. The doorway is the key area of interest in a façade as a natural focal point and design element.

- A hinged, sliding, tilting or folding panel for closing openings in a wall or at entrances to buildings. Doors must relate to the facade or wall in which they are placed. They are an important element in setting the style of the exterior and are an important transitional element to the interior space.

An exterior wall opening, usually glazed, admitting light and air, fitted with the assembly of window frame, glazing and operable elements. These operable windows are identified by the way they work; double hung, casement, sliding, pivoting and louvered.

Centuries of building have created an inexhaustible variety of forms for columns. The proportioning and decoration of a column serves as an indication and characterization of a particular architectural style. A column has a relationship with the ground at the base, and the load it carries from above as expressed in the design of the capital.

The under-covering of a roof, or floor, generally concealing the structural members from the roof or roof above, or the underside surface of vaulting. It may have a flat or curved surface, and may be self-supporting, suspended from the floor above, or supported from hidden or exposed beams.

The lowest surface of a room or structure, which can be a division between one story and another made up of other elements, or a homogeneous material. It is the base plane of any room or structure and is usually characterized by a flat surface or a series of flat surfaces at different levels.

Anything that embellishes, decorates or adorns a structure, whether used intentionally and integrated into the structure or applied for the sake of enhancing the buildings' form and appearance.

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